Registration for the 2024-21 School Year is Open

                                  Remember late fees start on 10/1/2024, register before that date to avoid the $75 fee.

                                  Prior to registering for classes, please update all contact information. NOTE: If your child has life-threatening allergies, please indicate it on your child's profile.

                                  The Parent Handbook includes important information and policies you should know about.  It can be accessed through this link or via the Parent Resources in the menu on this site.
                                  If you are interested in serving as an aide in a classroom, or as a catechist, please contact the Religious Education office at (908) 782-2933.

                                  We offer classes for Families which include all grades and the parents.  Our Family Alive program on Sundays begins with 9am Mass and then a light breakfast, followed by classes from 10:30am to 11:45am.  If you are interested in the Family Alive program, please contact the office.


                                  Create an account Click here. 

                                  Change or reset your password Click here.

                                  After your account has been validated, you can login with your email and password.


                                  Once the registration balance due has been paid, session assignments will automatically be sent to the primary email for your family.

                                  PLEASE NOTE:Your child will not be registered until the registration fees have been paid.

                                  Registrations made after September 30th will be subject to a late fee of $75. 


                                  While we recommend registering online, you are welcome to register in person.  Registrations must be by appointment only. Payment via cash, check or credit card is required at the time of registration. Please contact the Religious Education office at 908-782-2933 to make an appointment.

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